Joe Conway wrote:
> Jason Earl wrote:
> >>Actually, I think it was someone else (Joe???) that is doing the leg
> >>work, and he was the one choosing explode / implode and getting
> >>gruff for it, so I was just stepping in and defending his decision.
> >
> >Oops, my bad.  My brain must already think that it is the weekend.  My
> >reasoning still stands, though.  Whoever writes the code gets to pick
> >the names (assuming, of course, that they can get them past the rest
> >of the PostgreSQL hackers).
> <dons flame proof suit>
> Yup, that was me. I was watching from the sidelines ;-)
> I'll get on with coding and try to consider all of the input when it 
> comes to picking the names. In the end, it will depend on whatever the 
> guys with commit access will live with, so I'm not going to worry about 
> it too much.
> </dons flame proof suit>

My 2 cents:

Use "split" and "merge".  Avoids the "join" issue and avoids the
"implode/explode" issue too.  :-)

Kevin Brown                                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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