2017-01-13 10:11 GMT+01:00 Craig Ringer <cr...@2ndquadrant.com>:

> On 13 January 2017 at 16:49, Wolfgang Wilhelm <wolfgang20121...@yahoo.de>
> wrote:
> > - Devs just don't want to change (some) code. Everybody seems to have
> code
> > with huge technical debt which is best not to be touched. This code
> should
> > have an easy "move code from Oracle to PostgreSQL", best case by not
> forcing
> > the devs to look at this scary code.
> That's kind of offsetting their technical debt onto us, though, and by
> extension other PostgreSQL users.
> Support compatibility stuff we don't need, that doesn't really benefit
> other users, just so they can do less porting and cleanup work.
> I'm 100% for implementing _useful_ features based on users' migration
> needs from other DBMSes. Even ones that aren't that useful, but come
> at low cost to us. But introducing whole new systems to make porting a
> little easier does not thrill me.
> Also, that's where EDB's market is, and I don't personally feel any
> desire to push community PostgreSQL in the Oracle compatibility
> direction. Porting tools, sure. Useful features, sure. Direct
> compatibility, meh.
> I guess what I'm saying is that if someone wants PostgreSQL to have
> packages, they need to have:
> * A design that can fit in with PostgreSQL
> * Solid benefits beyond "makes life easier for Oracle users" to
> justify each feature/change
> * Funding/time to make it happen
> So far, I haven't seen anyone with one of those, let alone all three.




> --
>  Craig Ringer                   http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
>  PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services
> --
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