On Tue, Jan 24, 2017 at 1:15 AM, Fabien COELHO <coe...@cri.ensmp.fr> wrote:

> 1: unrecognized value "whatever" for "\if"; assuming "on"
>>> I do not think that the script should continue with such an assumption.
>> I agree, and this means we can't use ParseVariableBool() as-is. I already
>> broke out argument reading to it's own function, knowing that it'd be the
>> stub for expressions. So I guess we start that now. What subset of true-ish
>> values do you think we should support? If we think that real expressions
>> are possible soon, we could only allow 'true' and 'false' for now, but if
>> we expect that expressions might not make it into v10, then perhaps we
>> should support the same text values that coerce to booleans on the server
>> side.
> Hmmm. I would text value that coerce to true? I would also accept non-zero
> integers (eg SELECT 1::BOOL; -- t).

The docs (doc/src/sgml/datatype.sgml) list TRUE 't' 'true' 'y' 'yes' 'on'
'1'    vs FALSE 'f' 'false' 'n' 'no' 'off' '0'

However, src/test/regress/expected/boolean.out shows that there's some
flexiblity there with spaces, even before you inspect parse_bool_with_len()
in src/backend/utils/adt/bool.c.

If we could bring src/backend/utils/adt/bool.c across the server/client
wall, I would just use parse_bool_with_len as-is.

As it is, given that whatever I do is temporary until real expressions come
into place, that wouldn't be a terrible amount of code copying, and we'd
still have a proto-expression that probably isn't going to conflict with
whatever expression syntax we do chose. Having said that, if anyone can see
ANY reason that some subset of the existing bool-friendly strings would
cause a problem with the expression syntax we do hope to use, speak now and
we can restrict the accepted values.

> I would suggest to assume false on everything else, and/or maybe to ignore
> the whole if/endif section in such cases.

+1, it also halves the number of values we have to support later.

> ISTM that with TAP test you can check for error returns, so maybe this can
> be done.

I'll have to educate myself on TAP tests.

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