On Fri, 2003-03-28 at 14:39, mlw wrote:

> I was thinking of using SOAP over HTTP as the protocol, and a
> minimalist version at best. If the people want "more" let them add it.
> I have an HTTP service class in my open source library. It would br
> trivial to accept a SQL query formatted as a GET request, and then
> execute the query and, using libpq, format the result as XML. It
> should be simple enough to do. 

It would be easy.  I've done something similar (using ODBC to
get to PostgreSQL) - but using a language none of the rest of
you are likely to be interested in (Unicon).  Works just fine,
though the implementation (deliberately, by personal preference)
avoids accepting arbitrary SQL statements from SOAP clients,
instead forcing the clients to use an RPC interface so I can
do sanity checking in the Unicon [which I know better than I know
PostgreSQL...] SOAP servers.

I, too, opted for a 'minimal-SOAP' implementation.  A 'real'
implementation boggles the mind.

Steve Wampler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
National Solar Observatory

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