On 31 January 2017 at 10:43, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> David Rowley <david.row...@2ndquadrant.com> writes:
>> I don't think that's possible. The whole point that the current join
>> removal code retries to remove joins which it already tried to remove,
>> after a successful removal is exactly because it is possible for a
>> join to become provability unique on the removal of another join.
> Not seeing that ... example please?

I had a quick look at this again as it had been a while since I noticed that.

The sample case was:

create temp table uniquetbl (f1 text unique);
explain (costs off)
select t1.* from
  uniquetbl as t1
  left join (select *, '***'::text as d1 from uniquetbl) t2
  on t1.f1 = t2.f1
  left join uniquetbl t3
  on t2.d1 = t3.f1;

However, what it actually fails on depends on if you check for unused
columns or uniqueness first as initially the subquery fails both of
the tests.

I was under the impression it was failing the unique test, as that's
what I was doing first in my patch.

If you test uniqueness first it'll fail on:

* If such a clause actually references the inner rel then join
* removal has to be disallowed.  We have to check this despite
* the previous attr_needed checks because of the possibility of
* pushed-down clauses referencing the rel.
if (bms_is_member(innerrelid, restrictinfo->clause_relids))
return false;

but if you test for unused columns first, it'll fail on:

if (bms_is_subset(phinfo->ph_eval_at, innerrel->relids))
return false; /* there isn't any other place to eval PHV */

 David Rowley                   http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

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