
On 20 February 2017 at 08:50, Stephen Frost <> wrote:

> The other changes to use pg_roles instead of pg_authid when rolpassword
> isn't being used look like they should just be changed to use pg_roles
> instead of using one or the other.  That should be an independent patch
> from the one which adds the option we are discussing.

Sure. Attached are 2 patches, of which 1 patch just replaces ​pg_authid
pg_roles in pg_dumpall. The only exceptions there are buildShSecLabels()
& pg_catalog.binary_upgrade_set_next_pg_authid_oid() which I thought
should still use pg_authid.

Perhaps --no-role-passwords instead?
> Makes Sense. ​The updated patch uses this name.

> > pg_dumpall --no-pgauthid --globals-only > a.sql
> Does that then work with a non-superuser account on a regular PG
> instance also?  If not, I'd like to suggest that we consider follow-on
> patches to provide options for whatever else currently requires
> superuser on a regular install.
> ​If I understand that correctly, the answer is Yes. I didn't test all db
but trying to do a pg_dumpall using a non-priviledge user does successfully
complete with all existing users dumped successfully.

pg_dumpall --globals-only --no-role-password > a.sql

> Yes, please do create a commitfest entry for this.
> Created Commitfest entry.


Attachment: use_pgroles_instead_of_pg_authid.diff.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

Attachment: no_role_password.diff.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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