
SAP failed on the attempt to open source ADABAS even more miserably than Borland with Interbase. Now it looks like they found someone who said "we know open source, we can do that, oh pick me, me, me, pick meeeeee!"

that's what i think as well. by the way: did you see that MySQL AB has got $19.5mio of new cash.

MySQL on the other hand has for sure a big user community and is one of the favorite open source projects of the IT press. What all the lemming-like humpty-dumpty article writers fail to understand is the difference between a user- and a core developer community. The latter mainly consists of 2 people in the MySQL case, Monty and David.

i think i haven't seen a single patch for SAP DB on the mailing list in months. i don't think they have a single open source developer.
we thought chosing SAP DB as a second database platform (just to be more independent from PostgreSQL) would be a good idea. we have invested a lot of time to find out that they cannot compete with PostgreSQL.
Writing precompiler code was painful. Thanks to Michael Meskes and others doing it for PostgreSQL is easy.
We tried to port stored procedures returning cursors but it took me a week to find out how to ACCESS this cursor returned by the stored procedure.
i tried to install SAP DB on RedHat - it did not even start.

have fun, Monty ;).

I doubt that those two can drop the support for the existing MySQL user base anytime soon. And while sure converting everything from MySQL to SAPDB would be a good idea, there are probably more people in the world who know how to convert MySQL to PostgreSQL than to SAPDB ... hehe.

exactly. converting to sap db is some sort of pain. not so much the data but things such as stored procedures and so forth.

still, i think selling postgresql might be more difficult in the future because "you don't have real features" won't work that nicely anymore.
let's hope for the best and let's hope that we can keep kicking their butts in the future.


Hans @ MySQL free zone

-- Cybertec Geschwinde u Schoenig Ludo-Hartmannplatz 1/14, A-1160 Vienna, Austria Tel: +43/2952/30706; +43/664/233 90 75 www.cybertec.at, www.postgresql.at, kernel.cybertec.at

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