I'm not sure that this is the right list to ask - but after having googled a while it seems that the only ones that might be able to answer this question is the developers. Therefor, here we go:

As far as I have understood, postgres is autocommiting each typed statement UNLESS the user remembers to write "BEGIN" which then disables the autocommit behavior for this single transaction. -Unfortunately it's easy to forget the BEGIN and it might be quite troublesome if one has to do it a lot.

Therefor: Are there any plans to give the administrator an OPTION to turn the behavior off through a parameter "autocommit = <boolean>" in the config file? Eventually the default behavior could be the autoccomit = on, as it is now.

Eventually an option per database could override the config file setting, so that the default value was to disable the autocommit behavior but a subset of the databases had autocommit enabled.

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