> On Mar 9, 2017, at 1:01 PM, Robert Haas <robertmh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 19, 2017 at 12:02 PM, David Christensen <da...@endpoint.com> 
> wrote:
>> Hi Robert, this is part of a larger patch which *does* enable the checksums 
>> online; I’ve been extracting the necessary pieces out with the understanding 
>> that some people thought the disable code might be useful in its own merit.  
>> I can add documentation for the various states.  The CHECKSUM_REVALIDATE is 
>> the only one I feel is a little wibbly-wobbly; the other states are required 
>> because of the fact that enabling checksums requires distinguishing between 
>> “in process of enabling” and “everything is enabled”.
> Ah, sorry, I had missed that patch.
>> My design notes for the patch were submitted to the list with little 
>> comment; see: 
>> https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/1E6E64E9-634B-43F4-8AA2-CD85AD92D2F8%40endpoint.com
>> I have since added the WAL logging of checksum states, however I’d be glad 
>> to take feedback on the other proposed approaches (particularly the system 
>> catalog changes + the concept of a checksum cycle).]
> I think the concept of a checksum cycle might be overkill.  It would
> be useful if we ever wanted to change the checksum algorithm, but I
> don't see any particular reason why we need to build infrastructure
> for that.  If we wanted to change the checksum algorithm, I think it
> likely that we'd do that in the course of, say, widening it to 4 bytes
> as part of a bigger change in the page format, and this infrastructure
> would be too narrow to help with that.

I hear what you are saying, however a boolean on pg_class/pg_database to show 
if the relation in question is insufficient if we allow arbitrary 
enabling/disabling while enabling is in progress.  In particular, if we disable 
checksums while the enabling was in progress and had only a boolean to indicate 
whether the checksums are complete for a relation there will have been a window 
when new pages in a relation will *not* be checksummed but the system table 
flag will indicate that the checksum is up-to-date, which is false.  This would 
lead to checksum failures when those pages are encountered.  Similar failures 
will occur as well when doing a pg_upgrade of an in-progress enabling.  Saying 
you can’t disable/cancel the checksum process while it’s running seems 
undesirable too, as what happens if you have a system failure mid-process.

We could certainly avoid this problem by just saying that we have to start over 
with the entire cluster and process every page from scratch rather than trying 
to preserve/track state that we know is good, perhaps only dirtying buffers 
which have a non-matching checksum while we’re in the conversion state, but 
this seems undesirable to me, plus if we made it work in a single session we’d 
have a long-running snapshot open (presumably) which would wreak havoc while it 
processes the entire database (as someone had suggested by doing it in a single 
function that just hangs while it’s running)

I think we still need a way to short-circuit the process/incrementally update 
and note which tables have been checksummed and which ones haven’t.  (Perhaps I 
could make the code which currently checks DataChecksumsEnabled() a little 
smarter, depending on the relation it’s looking at.)

As per one of Jim’s suggestions, I’ve been looking at making the 
data_checkum_state localized per database at postinit time, but really it 
probably doesn’t matter to anything but the buffer code whether it’s a global 
setting, a per-database setting or what.

> While I'm glad to see work finally going on to allow enabling and
> disabling checksums, I think it's too late to put this in v10.  We
> have a rough rule that large new patches shouldn't be appearing for
> the first time in the last CommitFest, and I think this falls into
> that category.  I also think it would be unwise to commit just the
> bits of the infrastructure that let us disable checksums without
> having time for a thorough review of the whole thing; to me, the
> chances that we'll make decisions that we later regret seem fairly
> high.  I would rather wait for v11 and have a little more time to try
> to get everything right.

Makes sense, but to that end I think we need to have at least some agreement on 
how this should work ahead of time.  Obviously it’s easier to critique existing 
code, but I don’t want to go out in left field of a particular approach is 
going to be obviously unworkable per some of the more experienced devs here.
David Christensen
End Point Corporation

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