On 3/7/17 10:30 AM, Keith Fiske wrote:
I'm all for this feature and had suggested it back in the original

FWIW, I was working with a system just today that has an overflow partition.

thread to add partitioning to 10. I agree that adding a new partition
should not move any data out of the default. It's easy enough to set up


a monitor to watch for data existing in the default. Perhaps also adding
a column to pg_partitioned_table that contains the oid of the default
partition so it's easier to identify from a system catalog perspective
and make that monitoring easier. I don't even see a need for it to fail

I agree that there should be a way to identify the default partition.

either and not quite sure how that would even work? If they can't add a
necessary child due to data being in the default, how can they ever get
it out?

Yeah, was wondering that as well...
Jim Nasby, Chief Data Architect, OpenSCG

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