As far as I understand, in this thread were discussed two bugs of 
Thanks to the clear descriptions above, I easily reproduced both of them.

Server crashes on assertion on call of pg_stop_backup(false) after interrupted 
call of pg_stop_backup(false).
TRAP: FailedAssertion("!(XLogCtl->Insert.nonExclusiveBackups > 0)", File: 
"xlog.c", Line: 10747)

Failure to start an exclusive backup with the same name, if previous exclusive 
backup was stopped in another session.

Both problems seem to be fixed with patch "backup-session-locks-fixes.patch".
Speaking of the patch itself, I have a question: shouldn't we also update 
in pg_stop_backup_callback() along with XLogCtl->Insert.exclusiveBackupState?

And couple of minor notes:
1) + * Routines to starting stop, and get status of a base backup
Probably should be: + * Routines to start, stop and get status of a base backup
And also this comment should be moved below the enum.

2) This is used in parallel of the shared memory status 
s/ in parallel of/ in parallel with

The new status of this patch is: Waiting on Author

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