Note, primary list address changed to -general, I'd suggest any followups
remove the -hackers, which I've left in just for 'closure'.

On Fri, 6 Jun 2003, Nigel J. Andrews wrote:

> On Fri, 6 Jun 2003, Tom Lane wrote:
> > "Nigel J. Andrews" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > Now, I did a little bit of testing and when doing a \lo_export <oid>
> > > <filename> in psql connected via localhost a SIGPIPE is generated in
> > > write() in libc and psql quit, without printing any message to the
> > > terminal.  Perhaps interestingly
> > > the file that gets written is always 65536 bytes long.
> > 
> > Hm.  Are you using an SSL connection?  There are some known bugs in the
> > SSL support in 7.3.1.  It's supposed to be fixed in 7.3.3, though I've
> > not tried it myself.
> Damn, yes I am, I noticed the notice when connecting but then didn't think
> anything of it. Thanks Tom, I'll check that later when I do have time
> (shouldn't have wasted the precious minutes joining the NULL != "" war).

Ok, I tried to try this but I can not get SSL to _not_ be used when connecting
via any tcp connection, unless the client hasn't been built with ssl support of
course. The pg_hba.conf has:

# TYPE  DATABASE    USER        IP-ADDRESS        IP-MASK           METHOD

local      all         all                                             md5
host       all         all   md5

psql -U me -h localhost db


SSL connection (cipher: EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA, bits: 168)

psql -U me db


Am I losing my mind? Should I need hostssl on that second line of the config
before ssl is allowed? I did look at that code once a few weeks ago and vaguely
remember something about host and hostssl handling but can't remember the
details. Is this really a bug, even if only in the documentation, or have I got
completely the wrong end of the stick?

Nigel J. Andrews

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