
While working on adding support for parameterized foreign joins to postgres_fdw, I noticed that commit e4106b2528727c4b48639c0e12bf2f70a766b910 forgot to modify a test query for execution of a parameterized foreign scan for a foreign table:

--- parameterized remote path
+-- parameterized remote path for foreign table
-  SELECT * FROM ft2 a, ft2 b WHERE a.c1 = 47 AND b.c1 = a.c2;
+  SELECT * FROM "S 1"."T 1" a, ft2 b WHERE a."C 1" = 47 AND b.c1 = a.c2;
 SELECT * FROM ft2 a, ft2 b WHERE a.c1 = 47 AND b.c1 = a.c2;

The query in the last line as-is would test to see if the remote join works correctly, which isn't the right thing to do here. Attached is a small patch for addressing that.

Best regards,
Etsuro Fujita

Attachment: postgresql-fdw-regress.patch
Description: binary/octet-stream

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