2017-03-01 10:56 GMT+01:00 Peter Moser <pitiz...@gmail.com>:
> A similar walkthrough for ALIGN will follow soon.
> We are thankful for any suggestion or ideas, to be used to write a
> good SGML documentation.

The attached README explains the ALIGN operation step-by-step with a
TEMPORAL LEFT OUTER JOIN example. That is, we start from a query
input, show how we rewrite it during parser stage, and show how the
final execution generates result tuples.

Best regards,
Anton, Michael, Johann, Peter

  This is an exemplary walkthrough of a temporal ALIGN operation, from the
  query input, over the query rewrite, until the result tuple outputs during


  These tables represent employees and projects in a company. An employee works
  for a department over a certain time period. Different projects get developed
  in a department. The start and end time points of each project is stored in
  the period column.

    CREATE TABLE emp (empname VARCHAR, dept VARCHAR, period INT4RANGE);
    ('Ann', 'DB', '[1,5)'),
    ('Bea', 'DB', '[3,8)'),
    ('Ron', 'AI', '[6,9)');

    CREATE TABLE prj (prjname VARCHAR, dept VARCHAR, period INT4RANGE);
    ('PR1', 'DB', '[3,7)'),
    ('PR2', 'DB', '[1,5)'),
    ('PR3', 'HW', '[2,8)');

Timeline representation

    Ann      DB        [1,5)      ----      <- Tuple 1, valid from 1 to 5 excl.
    Bea      DB        [3,8)        -----   <- Tuple 2
    Ron      AI        [6,9)           ---  <- Tuple 3
                                  123456789 <- Timeline

    PR1      DB        [3,7)        ----    <- Tuple 1, valid from 3 to 7 excl.
    PR2      DB        [1,5)      ----      <- Tuple 2
    PR3      HW        [2,8)       ------   <- Tuple 3
                                  123456789 <- Timeline


  Query: At each time point, to which projects is an  employee assigned, and
         when does an employee not have an assigned project?

    WITH emp AS (SELECT period u, * FROM emp),
         prj AS (SELECT period v, * FROM prj)
    SELECT empname, prjname, dept, period FROM (
        emp ALIGN prj ON emp.dept = prj.dept WITH (emp.period, prj.period)
    ) emp_aligned
        prj ALIGN emp ON emp.dept = prj.dept WITH (prj.period, emp.period)
    ) prj_aligned
    USING(dept, period)
    WHERE period = u * v OR u IS NULL OR v IS NULL;


     empname | prjname | dept | period
     Ann     | PR2     | DB   | [1,5)           ----
     Ann     | PR1     | DB   | [3,5)             --
     Bea     | PR1     | DB   | [3,7)             ----
     Bea     | PR2     | DB   | [3,5)             --
     Bea     |         | DB   | [7,8)                 -
     Ron     |         | AI   | [6,9)                ---
                                                123456789  <- Timeline


  In this chapter we describe first the rewrite and processing of the two ALIGN
  clauses, that are,

    ( emp ALIGN prj ON emp.dept = prj.dept WITH (emp.period, prj.period)
    ) emp_aligned


    ( prj ALIGN emp ON emp.dept = prj.dept WITH (prj.period, emp.period)
    ) prj_aligned.

  Secondly, we explain what the above query does in general, and why we need two
  ALIGNs, the WHERE-clause and CTEs (WITH clauses).

ALIGN subquery processing

  After receiving the ALIGN query (see above) as input, we rewrite it into
  the following query:

    SELECT emp.*, GREATEST(LOWER(emp.period), LOWER(prj.period)) p1,
                             LEAST(UPPER(emp.period), UPPER(prj.period)) p2
        (SELECT *, row_id() OVER () rn FROM emp) emp
    ON emp.dept = prj.dept AND emp.period && prj.period
    ORDER BY rn, p1, p2;

  Then, we rewrite the second ALIGN subquery analoguously.

Intermediate results: These are the inputs of our ALIGN execution nodes
  (See Appendix [1] for details)

  For emp ALIGN prj...

    TUPID    empname | dept | period | rn | p1 | p2
      A      Ann     | DB   | [1,5)  |  1 |  1 |  5
      B      Ann     | DB   | [1,5)  |  1 |  3 |  5
      C      Bea     | DB   | [3,8)  |  2 |  3 |  5
      D      Bea     | DB   | [3,8)  |  2 |  3 |  7
      E      Ron     | AI   | [6,9)  |  3 |  6 |  9

  For prj ALIGN emp...

    TUPID    prjname | dept | period | rn | p1 | p2
      a      PR1     | DB   | [3,7)  |  1 |  3 |  7
      b      PR1     | DB   | [3,7)  |  1 |  3 |  5
      c      PR2     | DB   | [1,5)  |  2 |  3 |  5
      d      PR2     | DB   | [1,5)  |  2 |  1 |  5
      e      PR3     | HW   | [2,6)  |  3 |  2 |  6

We have four possibilities inside ALIGN during execution
  (See Appendix [2] for details)

    1) CURR == PREV
       a) S < CURR.P1   --> generate (CURR, [S, CURR.P1)) and set S = CURR.P1
       b) otherwise:
          if OUT != CURR:
             generate (CURR, [CURR.P1, CURR.P2))
             set S = MAX(S, CURR.P2)
          fetch next tuple
          if fetched tuple is NULL --> goto(2) forcing CURR != PREV to be true
    2) CURR != PREV
       a) S < PREV.te   --> generate (PREV, [S, PREV.te))
       set S = CURR.ts and goto(1) forcing CURR == PREV to be true

Executor steps for "emp ALIGN prj ON emp.dept = prj.dept..."

1) First call of ExecTemporalAdjustment: Fetch tuple A, which is now CURR.
   Set sweepline S = 1 (A.ts), and copy tuple A also into PREV. Goto(1)
   forcing CURR == PREV to be true. The last result tuple (OUT) is NULL.

2) (1): CURR == PREV, that is, tuple A is equal to itself.
   (1b): OUT == NULL, hence we generate a result tuple:
            (Ann, DB, [1,5))
        ...where the interval is [CURR.P1, CURR.P2) and all other attributes
        are copied from the current tuple (omitting helper columns: RN, P1,
        and P2). This result is now the new OUT.
   We update the sweepline: S = 5 <-- MAX(1, 5).
   Fetch tuple B; CURR = B, PREV = A

3) (1): A == B.
   (1b): OUT != CURR (A.ts != B.p1), hence we generate a result tuple:
            (Ann, DB, [3,5))
   Fetch tuple C; CURR = C, PREV = B

4) (2): B != C.
   We update the sweepline: S = 3 (CURR.ts)
   We set PREV = C. Goto(1) forcing CURR == PREV to be true.

5) (1): C == C.
   (1b): OUT != CURR (OUT.rn != CURR.rn), hence we generate a result tuple:
            (Bea, DB, [3,5))
   We update the sweepline: S = 5 (CURR.p2)
   Fetch tuple D; CURR = D, PREV = C

6) (1): C == D.
   (1b): OUT != CURR (OUT.te != CURR.p2), hence we generate a result tuple:
            (Bea, DB, [3,7))
   We update the sweepline: S = 7 (CURR.p2)
   Fetch tuple E; CURR = E, PREV = D

7) (2): D != E.
   (2a): S < D.te (7 < 8), hence we generate a result tuple:
            (Bea, DB, [3,7))
   We update the sweepline: S = 6 (CURR.ts)
   We set PREV = E. Goto(1) forcing CURR == PREV to be true.

8) (1): E == E.
   (1b): OUT != CURR (OUT.ts != CURR.p1), hence we generate a result tuple:
            (Ron, AI, [6,9))
   We update the sweepline: S = 9 (CURR.p2)

No new tuple can be fetched, nor is any new result tuple produced, hence we
terminate our executor.

The result of "emp ALIGN prj..." is as follows:

     empname | dept | period
     Ann     | DB   | [1,5)
     Ann     | DB   | [3,5)
     Bea     | DB   | [3,5)
     Bea     | DB   | [3,7)
     Bea     | DB   | [7,8)
     Ron     | AI   | [6,9)

Whereas, the result of "prj ALIGN emp..." is the following:

     prjname | dept | period
     PR1     | DB   | [3,5)
     PR1     | DB   | [3,7)
     PR2     | DB   | [1,5)
     PR2     | DB   | [3,5)
     PR3     | HW   | [2,6)

The initial goal was to find at each time point, for which projects inside a
department is an employee responsible. These can now be easily done from these
aligned inputs with standard (reused) PostgreSQL operators. In our example a
regular LEFT OUTER JOIN, which gives the output below:

     empname | prjname | dept | period
     Ann     | PR2     | DB   | [1,5)
     Ann     | PR1     | DB   | [3,5)
     Ann     | PR2     | DB   | [3,5)
     Bea     | PR1     | DB   | [3,7)
     Bea     | PR1     | DB   | [3,5)
     Bea     | PR2     | DB   | [3,5)
     Bea     |         | DB   | [7,8)
     Ron     |         | AI   | [6,9)

As you can see, some result tuples are already covered by others. For instance,
(Ann, PR2, DB, [3,5)) is already covered by (Ann, PR2, DB, [1,5)). Therefore, we
need an "absorbing" WHERE-clause, and CTEs (WITH-clauses) to compare the 
periods with the new result tuples. After nesting the JOIN within these clauses
the final result is:

     empname | prjname | dept | period
     Ann     | PR2     | DB   | [1,5)
     Ann     | PR1     | DB   | [3,5)
     Bea     | PR1     | DB   | [3,7)
     Bea     | PR2     | DB   | [3,5)
     Bea     |         | DB   | [7,8)
     Ron     |         | AI   | [6,9)

Best regards,
Anton, Michael, Johann, Peter


After the intermediate result we get an input, which is splitted into so-called
temporal groups. Each of these groups satisfy the USING-condition (a.dept =
b.dept), has overlapping periods, and a row number as ID (rn). The input is
ordered by temporal group ID, and the start and ending timepoints, i.e., P1 and
P2. Please note, that each tuple in a certain rn ID is always equal to any other
tuple in that rn ID, except for P1 and P2.

Additinal information for ALIGN:
    - sweepline: to sweep from left-to-right on the time line (S)
    - slots to the current and previous tuple (CURR, PREV)
    - Two tuples A and B are equal, i.e. A == B, if A.rn == B.rn
    - ts means LOWER(time), and te means UPPER(time)
    - OUT is the last produced output tuple (last result tuple)
    - OUT != CURR, if OUT.rn != CURR.rn
                   or OUT.ts != CURR.p1
                   or OUT.te != CURR.p2
                   or OUT == NULL

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