create table t (a int, b int); insert into t1 select x/100,x/100 from generate_series(1,100000) x; create extension if not exists postgres_fdw; create server test_server foreign data wrapper postgres_fdw options (host 'localhost', port '5432', dbname 'postgres'); create foreign table ft_t (a int,b int) server test_server; select 'create user mapping for current_user server test_server options(user ''' || current_user || ''');'; \gexec select count(*) from pg_stat_Activity; -- > 6 analyze ft_t; ERROR: could not connect to server "test_server" DETAIL: FATAL: sorry, too many clients already CONTEXT: Remote SQL command: DECLARE c1 CURSOR FOR SELECT a, b FROM public.ft_t Remote SQL command: SELECT a, b FROM public.ft_t Remote SQL command: SELECT a, b FROM public.ft_t Remote SQL command: SELECT a, b FROM public.ft_t (lots of these)
select count(*) from pg_stat_Activity; --> 105 I've not had a moment to check into what's going on. Adding to open items... -- David Rowley PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services