On 7 April 2017 at 20:35, Andres Freund <and...@anarazel.de> wrote:
>> But for costs such as (4, 4, 4,  .... 20 times), the logic would give
>> us 20 workers because we want to finish the Append in 4 time units;
>> and this what we want to avoid when we go with
>> don't-allocate-too-many-workers approach.
> I guess, my problem is that I don't agree with that as a goal in an of
> itself.  If you actually want to run your query quickly, you *want* 20
> workers here.  The issues of backend startup overhead (already via
> parallel_setup_cost), concurrency and such cost should be modelled, not
> burried in a formula the user can't change.  If we want to make it less
> and less likely to start more workers we should make that configurable,
> not the default.
> I think there's some precedent taken from the parallel seqscan case,
> that's not actually applicable here.  Parallel seqscans have a good
> amount of shared state, both on the kernel and pg side, and that shared
> state reduces gains of increasing the number of workers.  But with
> non-partial scans such shared state largely doesn't exist.

After searching through earlier mails about parallel scan, I am not
sure whether the shared state was considered to be a potential factor
that might reduce parallel query gains, when deciding the calculation
for number of workers for a parallel seq scan. I mean even today if we
allocate 10 workers as against a calculated 4 workers count for a
parallel seq scan, they might help. I think it's just that we don't
know if they would *always* help or it would regress sometimes.

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