
(FWIW, on this list we don't do top-quotes)

On 2017-04-25 22:21:22 +0000, Doug Doole wrote:
> Plan invalidation was no different than for any SQL statement. DB2 keeps a
> list of the objects the statement depends on. If any of the objects changes
> in an incompatible way the plan is invalidated and kicked out of the cache.
> I suspect what is more interesting is plan lookup. DB2 has something called
> the "compilation environment". This is a collection of everything that
> impacts how a statement is compiled (SQL path, optimization level, etc.).
> Plan lookup is done using both the statement text and the compilation
> environment. So, for example, if my path is DOUG, MYTEAM, SYSIBM and your
> path is ANDRES, MYTEAM, SYSIBM we will have different compilation
> environments. If we both issue "SELECT * FROM T" we'll end up with
> different cache entries even if T in both of our statements resolves to
> MYTEAM.T. If I execute "SELECT * FROM T", change my SQL path and then
> execute "SELECT * FROM T" again, I have a new compilation environment so
> the second invocation of the statement will create a new entry in the
> cache. The first entry is not kicked out - it will still be there for
> re-use if I change my SQL path back to my original value (modulo LRU for
> cache memory management of course).

It's not always that simple, at least in postgres, unless you disregard
search_path.  Consider e.g. cases like

CREATE TABLE a.foobar(somecol int);
SET search_patch = 'b,a';
SELECT * FROM foobar;
CREATE TABLE b.foobar(anothercol int);
SELECT * FROM foobar; -- may not be cached plan from before!

it sounds - my memory of DB2 is very faint, and I never used it much -
like similar issues could arise in DB2 too?


Andres Freund

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