Fabien COELHO wrote:

>    Fix psql \p to always print what would be executed by \g or \w (Daniel
>    Vérité)
>    Previously \p didn't properly print the reverted-to command after a
>    buffer contents reset. CLARIFY?
> The fix is linked to the change introduced by Tom when 
> refactoring/cleaning up in e984ef586 (\if) which change psql's \p 
> behavior.

That's my recollection as well. The "Previously" does not refer to 9.6,
but to that commit.

> I'm not sure how this should appear in the release notes. Maybe not at 
> all, associated to the feature in which the behavioral change was 
> introduced...

There is small change of behavior coming as a by-product of the
introduction of  /if.../endif blocks.

When doing in 9.x:

select '1st buffer' \g
followed by \e
and editing with select '2nd buffer' (without ending the query)
and then back in psql doing '\r' and '\p', the result is
select '2nd buffer'

The same with v10 leads instead to
select '1st buffer'

I'm not sure whether it's above the level of detail worth being mentioned
in the release notes.

Best regards,
Daniel Vérité
PostgreSQL-powered mailer: http://www.manitou-mail.org
Twitter: @DanielVerite

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