On Wed, May 10, 2017 at 2:11 AM, Andrew Dunstan
<andrew.duns...@2ndquadrant.com> wrote:
> (After extensive trial and error) Turns out it's not quite that, it's
> the kill_kill stuff. I think for now we should just disable it on the
> platform. That means not running tests 7 and 8 of the logical_decoding
> tests and all of the crash_recovery test. test::More has nice
> faciliti4es for skipping tests cleanly. See attached patch.

+    # some Windows Perls at least don't like IPC::Run's start/kill_kill regime.
+    skip "Test fails on Windows perl", 2 if $Config{osname} eq 'MSWin32';
So this basically works with msys but not with MSWin32? Interesting...

Does it make a different if you use for example coup_d_grace =>
"QUIT"? Per the docs of IPC::Run SIGTERM is used for kills on Windows.

+if  ($Config{osname} eq 'MSWin32')
+    # some Windows Perls at least don't like IPC::Run's start/kill_kill regime.
+    plan skip_all => "Test fails on Windows perl";
Indentation is weird here, with a mix of spaces and tabs.

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