On 03/29/2017 12:06 AM, Tom Lane wrote:
Hm ... I don't see a crash here, but I wonder whether you have parameters
set that would cause this query to be run as a parallel query?  Because
pg_rotate_logfile() is marked as parallel-safe in pg_proc, which seems
probably insane.
Well, I am able to see a crash . Enable "logging_collector=on" in postgresql.conf file / restart the server and fire below sql query - 5 or 6 times

          80 as c0,
          pg_catalog.pg_backend_pid() as c1,
          68 as c2,
          subq_1.c0 as c3,
          subq_1.c0 as c4
                ref_0.specific_schema as c0
                information_schema.role_routine_grants as ref_0,
                lateral (select
                      ref_0.grantor as c0,
                      50 as c1
                      information_schema.routines as ref_1
                    where (63 = 86)
                      or (pg_catalog.pg_advisory_lock(
cast(ref_1.result_cast_datetime_precision as integer),
                            cast(null as tid),
                            cast(null as tid)) as integer)) is NULL)
                    limit 143) as subq_0
              where pg_catalog.pg_rotate_logfile() is NULL) as subq_1
        where 50 <> 45;

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