Jeff Janes <> writes:
> The docs for creating aggregates for 9.6 and beyond say:
> "For aggregate functions whose state_data_type is internal, the combinefunc
> must not be strict. In this case the combinefunc must ensure that null
> states are handled correctly and that the state being returned is properly
> stored in the aggregate memory context."

> Since combinefunc with an internal type is only useful when serialfunc and
> deserialfunc are also defined, why can't the built-in machinery just do the
> right thing when faced with a strict combinefunc?

The issue is how to initialize the state value to begin with.

I suppose you're imagining that we could fill pg_aggregate.agginitval
with something that the serialfunc could read.  But that would place
serious constraints on the serialization format, like that it be
machine-independent and valid as text.

                        regards, tom lane

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