On 07/12/17 08:38, Robert Haas wrote:

> another protocol message.  I feel like the usefulness of this for
> connection pooling software is pretty obvious: it's a lot easier for
> the pooler to disallow a certain protocol message than a certain SQL
> command.

I assume you mean easier than disallowing an SQL command that has to be
disallowed (with all the complexity of of parsing and recognizing all the
forms it could take) or else the client could abuse it—in other words,
the current state of affairs, without a cookie'd SQL command.

Once the comparison is not to the current state, but to a proposed
cookie mechanism for the SQL command, I don't think I see either idea
as strikingly easier or more effective.

But the protocol extension becomes another thing (like SASL channel
binding) that you can add to the server, but you don't really have it
until all of the protocol driver projects catch up. A mechanism in SQL
is ready for everybody as soon as it's there.

> variable can't later be changed from SQL.  So now you don't even need
> the cookie, and the client can't try to guess the cookie.

Again, the trouble of needing a cookie or of supporting a special protocol
message don't seem that different to me, and with, say, a 64-bit cookie
built from a good source of randomness, the risk of a client guessing it
seems negligible.

One other reason I think I'm slow to warm to a protocol extension is
things done that way tend to make second-class citizens of code that
runs in the backend.

For an example, think of how warnings are handled. If client code uses
JDBC, it should be able to call getWarnings() on a ResultSet and find out
what warnings might have been raised. If you move the same code to the
backend, in PL/Java, it still uses JDBC and there's still a getWarnings()
method but it's (currently) useless. elog makes catching errors easy,
but warnings get shipped straight to libpq and out to the client. (For
this example, that's also an encapsulation breach and possible information
leak, the client getting warnings from internal SQL queries by backend

LISTEN/NOTIFY is another example of a mechanism that's not there for
backend code, because the notification mechanism is purely a message
over pq. A less interesting issue than the warnings, perhaps (once the
code is in the backend, why be notified by a trigger when it could simply
BE a trigger?) ... but it could be a bit surprising to someone accustomed
to having it available for client code.

So, even if I don't this instant have an example of why some backend
code or extension in an arbitrary PL might want to be able to lock down
a particular GUC, I can imagine it might happen, and if the mechanism is
just SQL with a cookie, all the PLs have it for free, but if it is
tied up with the fe/be protocol, it's hard.


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