On Fri, Jul 14, 2017 at 9:34 AM, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> Somebody decided they could add a new primnode type without bothering to
> build out very much infrastructure for it.  Thus:
> regression=# create table foo (f1 int, f2 int generated always as identity);
> regression=# insert into foo values(1);
> INSERT 0 1
> regression=# explain verbose insert into foo values(1);
> ERROR:  unrecognized node type: 146
> because ruleutils.c has never heard of NextValueExpr.  The lack of
> outfuncs/readfuncs support for it is rather distressing as well.
> That doesn't break parallel queries today, because (I think)
> you can't get one of these nodes in a parallelizable query, but it
> is going to cause problems for debugging.  It will also break
> (more or less) pg_stat_statements.  I also wonder whether costsize.c
> oughtn't be charging some estimated execution cost for it.

I wrote a script to cross-check various node handling functions and it told me:

T_NextValueExpr not handled in outfuncs.c
T_ObjectWithArgs not handled in outfuncs.c
T_AccessPriv not handled in outfuncs.c
T_CreateOpClassItem not handled in outfuncs.c
T_FunctionParameter not handled in outfuncs.c
T_InferClause not handled in outfuncs.c
T_OnConflictClause not handled in outfuncs.c
T_RoleSpec not handled in outfuncs.c
T_PartitionCmd not handled in outfuncs.c
T_NamedTuplestoreScan can be produced by outfuncs.c with tagname
NAMEDTUPLESTORESCAN but that tagname is not recognized by readfuncs.c
T_Alias not handled in ruleutils.c
T_RangeVar not handled in ruleutils.c
T_Expr not handled in ruleutils.c
T_CaseWhen not handled in ruleutils.c
T_TargetEntry not handled in ruleutils.c
T_RangeTblRef not handled in ruleutils.c
T_JoinExpr not handled in ruleutils.c
T_FromExpr not handled in ruleutils.c
T_OnConflictExpr not handled in ruleutils.c
T_IntoClause not handled in ruleutils.c
T_NextValueExpr not handled in ruleutils.c

It classifies all node types into categories PLAN NODES, PRIMITIVE
NODES, ... using the per-group comments in nodes.h, and then checks
some rules that I inferred (obviously incorrectly) about which of
those categories should be handled by copy, out, equal, read and
get_rule_expr functions and also checks that readfuncs.c and
outfuncs.c agree on the name string.  It needs some work though:
anyone got any ideas on how to improve the categories and rules to
make it right?  To use this approach, it would need to be the case
that each checked function exhaustively handles a subset of node tags
that can be described by listing those categories.

That revealed a defect in commit
18ce3a4ab22d2984f8540ab480979c851dae5338 which I think should be
corrected with something like the attached, though I'm not sure if
it's possible to reach it.  It would be nice to do something more
mechanised for this type of code...

Thomas Munro

Attachment: read-namedtuplestorescan.patch
Description: Binary data

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Cross-check node handling code in PostgreSQL looking for bugs.

import re

def scan_node_categories(path):
  """Find all type tags and put them into categories."""
  results = {}
  with open(path) as file:
    current_list = []
    results["INVALID"] = current_list
    for line in file:
      matches = re.search(r"TAGS FOR ([A-Z].*(NODES|STUFF))", line)
      if matches:
        category = matches.group(1)
        current_list = []
        results[category] = current_list
      matches = re.search(r"(T_[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)", line)
      if matches:
        assert current_list != None
        tag = matches.group(1)
  return results

def scan_switch(path, function):
  """Find all cases handled by "function" in translation unit "path"."""
  cases = []
  in_function = False
  with open(path) as file:
    for line in file:
      if line.startswith(function + "("):
        in_function = True
      elif line.startswith("}"):
        in_function = False
      elif in_function:
        matches = re.search(r"case (T_.+):", line)
        if matches:
  return cases

def scan_read_tagnames(path):
  """Find all tagnames that readfuncs.c recognizes."""
  results = []
  with open(path) as file:
    for line in file:
      matches = re.search("MATCH\(\"([A-Z]+)\", ([0-9]+)", line)
      if matches:
        tagname = matches.group(1)
        length = int(matches.group(2))
        if length != len(tagname):
          print "Unexpected length:", line
  return results

def scan_out_tagnames(path):
  """Learn what tagname outfuncs.c uses to output each type."""
  results = {}
  current_tag = None
  with open(path) as file:
    for line in file:
      matches = re.match(r"_out.*, const ([^ ]+) \*", line)
      if matches:
        # see makeNode macro definition: typedef Foo must have enum T_Foo
        current_tag = "T_" + matches.group(1)
      elif line.startswith("}"):
        current_tag = None
      elif current_tag != None:
        matches = re.search("WRITE_NODE_TYPE\(\"([A-Z]+)\"\)", line)
        if matches:
          results[current_tag] = matches.group(1)
  return results

# cases that don't fit the general pattern for out/read/equals but we'll just
# trust that they work
special_cases = [ "T_List", "T_IntList", "T_OidList", "T_Integer", "T_Float", "T_String", "T_BitString", "T_Expr", "T_Null", "T_Value" ]

node_categories = scan_node_categories("src/include/nodes/nodes.h")

copyfuncs = scan_switch("src/backend/nodes/copyfuncs.c", "copyObjectImpl")
equalfuncs = scan_switch("src/backend/nodes/equalfuncs.c", "equal")
outfuncs = scan_switch("src/backend/nodes/outfuncs.c", "outNode")

get_rule_expr = scan_switch("src/backend/utils/adt/ruleutils.c", "get_rule_expr")
exprSetCollation = scan_switch("src/backend/nodes/nodeFuncs.c", "exprSetCollation")
expression_tree_walker = scan_switch("src/backend/nodes/nodeFuncs.c", "expression_tree_walker")
expression_tree_mutator = scan_switch("src/backend/nodes/nodeFuncs.c", "expression_tree_mutator")
raw_expression_tree_walker = scan_switch("src/backend/nodes/nodeFuncs.c", "expression_tree_mutator")

outfuncs_tagname_map = scan_out_tagnames("src/backend/nodes/outfuncs.c")
readfuncs_tagnames = scan_read_tagnames("src/backend/nodes/readfuncs.c")

# the following node categories must be supported by copy, out
for tag in node_categories["PLAN NODES"] + node_categories["PRIMITIVE NODES"] + node_categories["VALUE NODES"] + node_categories["LIST NODES"] + node_categories["PARSE TREE NODES"]:
  if tag in special_cases:
  if tag not in copyfuncs:
    print "%s not handled in copyfuncs.c" % (tag,)
  if tag not in outfuncs:
    print "%s not handled in outfuncs.c" % (tag,)

# the following node categories must be supported by equals
for tag in node_categories["PRIMITIVE NODES"] + node_categories["VALUE NODES"] + node_categories["LIST NODES"] + node_categories["PARSE TREE NODES"]:
  if tag in special_cases:
  if tag not in equalfuncs:
    print "%s not handled in equalfuncs.c" % (tag,)

# the following node categories must be supported by parseNodeString using the
# tagname that is output by outfuncs.c
for tag in node_categories["PLAN NODES"] + node_categories["PRIMITIVE NODES"]:
  if tag in outfuncs_tagname_map and outfuncs_tagname_map[tag] not in readfuncs_tagnames:
    print "%s can be produced by outfuncs.c with tagname %s but that tagname is not recognized by readfuncs.c" % (tag, outfuncs_tagname_map[tag])

# the following node categories must be supported by ruleutils.c
for tag in node_categories["PRIMITIVE NODES"]:
  if tag not in get_rule_expr:
    print "%s not handled in ruleutils.c" % (tag,)

# TODO: figure out what the deal is with the various tree walker functions
#for tag in node_categories["PRIMITIVE NODES"] + node_categories["PLAN NODES"] + node_categories["PARSE TREE NODES"]:
#  if tag not in raw_expression_tree_walker:
#    print "%s not handled in raw_expression_tree_walker" % (tag,)
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