On Mon, Jul 24, 2017 at 6:16 PM, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:

> Mat Arye <m...@timescaledb.com> writes:
> > On Mon, Jul 24, 2017 at 1:38 PM, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> >> I'm not really sure why planner hooks would have anything to do with
> your
> >> exposed SQL API?
> > Sorry what I meant was i'd like to package different versions of my
> > extension -- both .sql and .c --
> > and have the extension act consistently for any version until I do a
> > So, I'd prefer a DB with an older extension to have the logic/code in the
> > hook not change even if I install a newer version's .so for use in
> another
> > database
> > (but don't update the extension to the newer version).  Does that make
> any
> > sense?
> The newer version's .so simply is not going to load into the older
> version; we intentionally prevent that from happening.  It's not necessary
> anyway because versions do not share library directories.  Therefore,
> you can have foo.so for 9.5 in your 9.5 version's library directory,
> and foo.so for 9.6 in your 9.6 version's library directory, and the
> filesystem will keep them straight for you.  It is not necessary to
> call them foo-9.5.so and foo-9.6.so.

I meant the extension version not the PG version. Let me try to explain:
If version 0.1.0 has optimization A in the planner hook, and 0.2.0 has
optimization B,
I'd like the property that even if I install foo-0.2.0.so (and also have
foo-0.1.0.so) in the
cluster, any database that has not done an ALTER EXTENSION UPDATE will
still do A
while any databases that have updated the extension will do B. I'd also
like to avoid doing a bunch
of if/else statements to make this happen. But that's the ideal, not sure
if I can make this happen.

> As for the other point, the usual idea is that if you have a
> SQL-accessible C function xyz() that needs to behave differently after an
> extension version update, then you make the extension update script point
> the SQL function to a different library entry point.  If your 1.0
> extension version originally had
> (note that the second part of the AS clause might have been implicit;
> no matter), then your update script for version 1.1 could do
> Then in the 1.1 version of the C code, the xyz_1_1() C function provides
> the new behavior, while the xyz() C function provides the old behavior,
> or maybe just throws an error if you conclude it's impractical to emulate
> the old behavior exactly.  As I mentioned earlier, you can usually set
> things up so that you can share much of the code between two such
> functions.

Thanks for that explanation. It's clear now.

> The pgstattuple C function in contrib/pgstattuple is one example of
> having changed a C function's behavior in this way over multiple versions.
>                         regards, tom lane

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