On Wed, Jul 02, 2003 at 12:56:11AM +0200, Markus Bertheau wrote:

> But it seems weird to require a switch for the normal case, i.e. a
> tarball build, and not require it for a cvs build.

Yeah, I agree.  Maybe the configure script should be built different for
the releases, so users downloading tarballs don't need to use a switch,
but people getting from CVS or snapshots do.

> Maybe add a comment to the Makefile where bison is called that gives a
> hint to the user in case bison fails.

Not too many people read Makefiles these days, specially when autotools
are involved (BTW, Postgres makefiles are very nice, but I don't think
people reads them anyway).  What would be the user looking for?  The
symbol in question is called $(YACC), perhaps not too intuitive.

Another suggestion would be to capture bison's error code for the
table-too-large error and give an informational message about bison

Alvaro Herrera (<alvherre[a]dcc.uchile.cl>)
"Ni aun el genio muy grande llegaria muy lejos
si tuviera que sacarlo todo de su propio interior" (Goethe)

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