"Bruce Momjian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mendola Gaetano wrote:
> I certainly would like to see Dllist removed too.
> > This mean that is waste of time work on dllist.
> > I seen that exist a TODO list about "features",
> > exist a list about: "code to optimize" ?
> What TODO item where you looking at? 

I see the http://developer.postgresql.org/todo.php
and for someone that want start to code is really 
hard reading for example:

. Cache last known per-tuple offsets to speed long tuple access 

what can do a "postgres source beginner" after reading that
sentence ?
May be is more usefull if a very "postgres source" expert, like
Bruce Momjian or Tom Lane, will compile a more detailed list
about what to do like: 
    We need a really efficient double linked list with this 
    interface blah blah blah or something like that

I hope I was clear enough

Gaetano Mendola 


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