Hi Pavel,

> I am thinking about printing graphs in psql (mainly some histograms). I
> found so gnuplot is able do very good graphs in console. The one issue is
> user friendly (with less steps) generating data in good format for this
> application.
> One my idea is introduction new simple output format and execution command
> with result in this format.
> It should work something like
> \setenv GNUPLOT_OPTION '......'
> SELECT * FROM data
> \graw | gnuplot ...
> It can be used for any other applications R, ggplot, ..
> Ideas, comments?

Sounds cool. On the other hand, I think it's kind of too domain specific
task. So I wonder whether it could be generalized somehow so anyone
could write an extension that would export data in any format in a
friendly way.

For instance:

create extension export_to_gnuplot;
select * from data
\export_to_gnuplot | gnuplot ...

Best regards,
Aleksander Alekseev

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