On 30 August 2017 at 17:32, Amit Khandekar <amitdkhan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 16 August 2017 at 18:34, Robert Haas <robertmh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thanks for the benchmarking results!
>> On Tue, Aug 15, 2017 at 11:35 PM, Rafia Sabih
>> <rafia.sa...@enterprisedb.com> wrote:
>>> Q4 | 244 | 12 | PA and PWJ, time by only PWJ - 41
>> 12 seconds instead of 244?  Whoa.  I find it curious that we picked a
>> Parallel Append with a bunch of non-partial plans when we could've
>> just as easily picked partial plans, or so it seems to me.  To put
>> that another way, why did we end up with a bunch of Bitmap Heap Scans
>> here instead of Parallel Bitmap Heap Scans?
> Actually, the cost difference would be quite low for Parallel Append
> with partial plans and Parallel Append with non-partial plans with 2
> workers. But yes, I should take a look at why it is consistently
> taking non-partial Bitmap Heap Scan.

Here, I checked that Partial Bitmap Heap Scan Path is not getting
created in the first place; but I think it should.

As you can see from the below plan snippet, the inner path of the join
is a parameterized Index Scan :

->  Parallel Append
 ->  Nested Loop Semi Join
   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on orders_004
       Recheck Cond: ((o_orderdate >= '1994-01-01'::date) AND
(o_orderdate < '1994-04-01 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone))
       ->  Bitmap Index Scan on idx_orders_orderdate_004
            Index Cond: ((o_orderdate >= '1994-01-01'::date) AND
(o_orderdate < '1994-04-01 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone))
   ->  Index Scan using idx_lineitem_orderkey_004 on lineitem_004
       Index Cond: (l_orderkey = orders_004.o_orderkey)
       Filter: (l_commitdate < l_receiptdate)

In the index condition of the inner IndexScan path, it is referencing
partition order_004 which is used by the outer path. So this should
satisfy the partial join path restriction concerning parameterized
inner path : "inner path should not refer to relations *outside* the
join path". Here, it is referring to relations *inside* the join path.
But still this join path gets rejected by try_partial_nestloop_path(),
here :

if (inner_path->param_info != NULL)
   Relids inner_paramrels = inner_path->param_info->ppi_req_outer;
   if (!bms_is_subset(inner_paramrels, outer_path->parent->relids))

Actually, bms_is_subset() above should return true, because
inner_paramrels and outer_path relids should have orders_004. But
that's not happening. inner_paramrels is referring to orders, not
orders_004. And hence bms_is_subset() returns false (thereby rejecting
the partial nestloop path). I suspect this is because the innerpath is
not getting reparameterized so as to refer to child relations. In the
PWJ patch, I saw that reparameterize_path_by_child() is called by
try_nestloop_path(), but not by try_partial_nestloop_path().

Now, for Parallel Append, if this partial nestloop subpath gets
created, it may or may not get chosen, depending upon the number of
workers. For e.g. if the number of workers is 6, and ParalleAppend+PWJ
runs with only 2 partitions, then partial nestedloop join would
definitely win because we can put all 6 workers to work, whereas for
ParallelAppend with all non-partial nested loop join subpaths, at the
most only 2 workers could be allotted, one for each child. But if the
partitions are more, and available workers are less, then I think the
cost difference in case of partial versus non-partial join paths would
not be significant.

But here the issue is, partial nest loop subpaths don't get created in
the first place. Looking at the above analysis, this issue should be
worked by a different thread, not in this one.

-Amit Khandekar
EnterpriseDB Corporation
The Postgres Database Company

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