On Sat, 9 Sep 2017 13:53:35 +0530
Ashutosh Sharma <ashu.coe...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Finally, i got some time to look into this patch and surprisingly I
> didn't find any function returning information at page level instead
> all the SQL functions are returning information at index level.
> Therefore, i too feel that it should be either integrated with
> pgstattuple which could a better match as Tomas also mentioned or may
> be add a new contrib module itself. I think, adding a new contrib
> module looks like a better option. The reason being, it doesn't simply
> include the function for showing index level statistics (for e.g..
> index size, no of rows, values..e.t.c) like pgstattuple does but,
> also, displays information contained in a page for e.g. the object
> stored in the page,  it's tid e.t.c. So, more or less, I would say
> that, it's the mixture of pageinspect and pgstattuple module and
> therefore, i feel, adding it as a new extension would be a better
> choice. Thought?

Thank you for your interest, I will add a new contrib module named,
say, indexstat. I think we can add statistics on other indexes in the

Alexey Chernyshov
Postgres Professional: http://www.postgrespro.com
The Russian Postgres Company

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