On Tue, 2003-07-08 at 21:31, ivan wrote:
> What do you think about :
> 1. OPTION RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT (when function is created) change to
>   RETURNS <val> ON NULL INPUT .... ???

I personally think this should be up to the specific function to
capture.  This way it could be a complex result.

> 2. CREATE TYPE .. with  INHERITS (..) like in CREATE TABLE
>  but type should be normaly with including base type
>  create type A AS (A INT,B INT);
> and
>  create type B AS (C INT, D INT) INHERITS( A ); ==
>  create type B AS (A INT, B INT, C INT, D INT );
>  can be ??

I like this.  The equivalent table syntax for absorbing table structure
into another table is LIKE:

CREATE TABLE othertable (acol integer);
CREATE TABLE a (col integer, LIKE othertable, anothercol integer);

I could see:

CREATE TYPE a AS (a integer, b integer);
CREATE TYPE b AS (LIKE a, c integer, d integer);

> 5. What do you think about crontab in postgres database , like pg_crontab
>   ?

This has been debated several times.  Each time it has ended with
standard cron being the best solution for cron.

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