> On 18 September 2017 at 11:39, Arthur Zakirov <a.zaki...@postgrespro.ru>
> I think it would be good to add new catalog table. It may be named as
pg_type_sbs or pg_subscripting (second is better I think).
> This table may have the fields:
> - oid
> - sbstype
> - sbsinit
> - sbsfetch
> - sbsassign

What is `sbstype`?

> And command 'CREATE SUBSCRIPTING' should add an entry to the
pg_subscripting table. It also adds entries to the pg_depend table:
dependency between pg_type and pg_subscripting, dependency between pg_type
and pg_proc.
> 'DROP SUBSCRIPTING' should drop this entries, it should not drop init

Why we should keep those subscripting functions? From my understanding
totally internal and useless without subscripting context.

Overall I have only one concern about this suggestion - basically it changes
nothing from the perspective of functionality or implementation quality. The
only purpose of it is to make a `subscripting` entity more explicit at the
expense of overhead of having one more catalog table and little bit more
complexity. I'm not really sure if it's necessary or not, and I would
appreciate any commentaries about that topic from the community (to make me
more convinced that this is a good decision or not).

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