On Wed, 16 Jul 2003, Andrew Sullivan wrote:

> On Tue, Jul 15, 2003 at 06:35:38PM -0400, Robert Treat wrote:
> > is this code really a "replacement" for rserv? There has been work on
> > rserv in contrib that I'm guessing was not used in the commercial
> > version. are we better off calling this rserv2 or something and letting
> > both projects stand side by side?
> Good point: this code branched back in the summer of 2001, and hasn't
> had anything to do with the rserv code since.  So perhaps both should
> live.
> > as the person doing the legwork, do you see one location or the other as
> > a hindrance to getting the release done? 
> Not to me, no.  But since I can't commit the changes to CVS, someone
> else would have to do that.  Mind you, last time I tried to set up a
> project on gborg, I couldn't get it to work after 4 hours, and gave
> up.

I'd say contrib is the natural place for it, as it's a todo item and a 
step towards integration.  It's a feature most people can use, and if it's 
in /contrib it's more likely to get used than if it's on gborg.  

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