
This topic was already discussed (at least one time) in 2011.  See [1] for
details.  I'd like to raise that again.

Currently, we have table in system catalog with ACL, but without TOAST.
Thus, it might happen that we can't fit new ACL item, because row becomes
too large for in-line storage.

You can easily reproduce this situation in psql.

create table t (col int);
\copy (select 'create user u' || i || ';' from generate_series(1,10000) i)
to 'script.sql'
\i script.sql
\copy (select 'grant all on t to u' || i || ';' from
generate_series(1,10000) i) to 'script.sql'
\i script.sql

Eventually GRANT statements start to raise error.
psql:script.sql:2447: ERROR:  row is too big: size 8168, maximum size 8160

I understand that we shouldn't endorse users to behave like this.  We
should rather advise them to evade adding too many ACL items to single
object by using roles.  And that would be way easier to manage too.

However, current PostgreSQL behavior is rather unexpected and
undocumented.  Thus, I would say it's a bug.  This bug would be nice to fix
even if long ACL lists would work slower than normal.

In the discussion to the post [1] Tom comments that he isn't excited about
out-of-line ACL entry unless it's proven that performance doesn't
completely tank in this case.

I've done some basic experiments in this field on my laptop.  Attached
draft patch adds TOAST to all system catalog tables with ACL.  I've run
pgbench with custom script "SELECT * FROM t;" where t is empty table with
long ACL entry.  I've compared results with 1000 ACL items (in-line
storage) and 10000 ACL items (out-of-line storage).

Also, I've notice performance degradation of GRANT statements themselves.
 1000 GRANT statements are executed in 1.5 seconds while 10000 GRANT
statements are executed in 42 seconds.  In average single GRANT statements
becomes 2.8 times slower.  That's significant degradation, but it doesn't
seem to be fatal degradation for me.

Results of pgbench are presented in following table.

  Number of ACL items       | -M simple | -M prepared
 1000 (in-line storage)     |      6623 |        7242
10000 (out-of-line storage) |     14498 |       17827

So, it's 2.1-2.4 times degradation in this case.  That's very significant
degradation, but I wouldn't day that "performance completely tank".

Any thoughts?  Should we consider TOASTing ACL entries or should we give up
with this?


 1. https://www.commandprompt.com/blog/grant_schema_usage_

Alexander Korotkov
Postgres Professional: http://www.postgrespro.com
The Russian Postgres Company

Attachment: acl-toast-1.patch
Description: Binary data

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