Gavin Sherry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Shouldn't we be detecting problems with the following (haven't seen
> mention of it):
> template1=# insert into b values('10000000-12-01 23:23:23');
> INSERT 555183 1
> template1=# select * from b;
> ERROR:  Unable to format timestamp; internal coding error

Okay, now I get

regression=# select '10000000-12-01 23:23:23'::timestamp;
ERROR:  TIMESTAMP out of range '10000000-12-01 23:23:23'
regression=# select '10000000-12-01 23:23:23'::timestamptz;
ERROR:  TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE out of range '10000000-12-01 23:23:23'

                        regards, tom lane

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