I have just seen a nice feature provided by DB2 which seems very useful to me.
When importing huge amounts of data (dozens of gigs) with the help of COPY errors might occur from time to time (especially when migrating). The problem with COPY is that it stops after the first error. So if the first problem occurs after 200.000.000 records it is somehow annoying to do the entire stuff again. If we had an option telling COPY to log all problems into a logtable or into a separate logfile we could finish the import and rollback the transaction after trying to import everything.
This would help a lot when migrating or importing a lot of data because all problems with an import could be fixed at once based on the exception table.
Did anybody think about a feature like that in the past? Does it make sense to the group?

Best regards,


Cybertec Geschwinde u Schoenig
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