On 10/27/2017 07:56 AM, sanyam jain wrote:
> Hi,
> I was reading the
> blog https://blog.2ndquadrant.com/on-the-impact-of-full-page-writes .

For the record, I assume you're referring to this part:

    With BIGSERIAL new values are sequential, and so get inserted to the
    same leaf pages in the btree index. As only the first modification
    to a page triggers the full-page write, only a tiny fraction of the
    WAL records are FPIs. With UUID it’s completely different case, of
    couse – the values are not sequential at all, in fact each insert is
    likely to touch completely new leaf index leaf page (assuming the
    index is large enough).

> My queries:
> How randomness of UUID will likely to create new leaf page in btree index?
> In my understanding as the size of UUID is 128 bits i.e. twice of
> BIGSERIAL , more number of pages will be required to store the same
> number of rows and hence there can be increase in WAL size due to FPW .
> When compared the index size in local setup UUID index is ~2x greater in
> size.

Perhaps this is just a poor choice of words on my side, but I wasn't
suggesting new leaf pages will be created but merely that the inserts
will touch a different (possibly existing) leaf page. That's a direct
consequence of the inherent UUID randomness.


Tomas Vondra                  http://www.2ndQuadrant.com
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services

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