
I have a problem building binary packages for psycopg2. Binary
packages ship with their own copies of libpq and libssl; however if
another python package links to libssl the library will be imported
twice with conflicting symbols, likely resulting in a segfault (see
https://github.com/psycopg/psycopg2/issues/543). This happens e.g. if
a python script both connects to postgres and opens an https resource.

A solution to work around the problem could be to change libssl
symbols names, in the binaries or in the source code
(https://github.com/psycopg/psycopg2-wheels/issues/7). But maybe a
simpler workaround could be just to build libpq linking to libssl
statically. Is this possible?

...and other libs too I guess, because the problem was found on libssl
but conflicts with other libs is possible too, ldap comes to mind...

Any help to solve the problem would be appreciated. Thank you very much.

-- Daniele

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