On Fri, Oct 27, 2017 at 3:00 PM, Serge Rielau <se...@rielau.com> wrote:
>> What other systems *do* have this restriction? I've never seen one that did.
> Not clear what you are leading up to here.
> When I did MERGE in DB2 there was also no limitation:
> "Each row in the target can only be operated on once. A row in the target can 
> only be identified as MATCHED with one row in the result table of the 
> table-reference”
> What there was however was a significant amount of code I had to write and 
> test to enforce the above second sentence.

Then it seems that we were talking about two different things all along.

> Maybe in PG there is a trivial way to detect an expanding join and block it 
> at runtime.

There is for ON CONFLICT. See the cardinality violation logic within
ExecOnConflictUpdate(). (There are esoteric cases where this error can
be raised due to a wCTE that does an insert "from afar", which is
theoretically undesirable but not actually a problem.)

The MERGE implementation that I have in mind would probably do almost
the same thing, and make the "HeapTupleSelfUpdated" case within
ExecUpdate() raise an error when the caller happened to be a MERGE,
rather than following the historic UPDATE behavior. (The behavior is
to silently suppress a second or subsequent UPDATE attempt from the
same command, a behavior that Simon's mock MERGE documentation

> So the whole point I’m trying to make is that I haven’t seen the need for the 
> extra work I had to do once the feature appeared in the wild.

That seems pretty reasonable to me.

My whole point is that I think it's a mistake to do things like lock
rows ahead of evaluating any UPDATE predicate, in the style of ON
CONFLICT, in order to replicate the ON CONFLICT guarantees [1].

I'm arguing for implementation simplicity, too. Trying to implement
MERGE in a way that extends ON CONFLICT seems like a big mistake to
me, because ON CONFLICT updates rows on the basis of a would-be
duplicate violation, along with all the baggage that that carries.
This is actually enormously different to an equi-join that is fed by a
scan using an MVCC snapshot. The main difference is that there
actually is no MVCC snapshot in play in most cases [2]. If *no* row
with the PK value of 5 is visible to our MVCC snapshot, but an xact
committed having inserted such a row, that still counts as a CONFLICT

[1] https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/UPSERT#Goals_for_implementation
Peter Geoghegan

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