On 31 October 2017 at 18:55, Peter Geoghegan <p...@bowt.ie> wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 31, 2017 at 2:25 AM, Simon Riggs <si...@2ndquadrant.com> wrote:
>> If there are challenges ahead, its reasonable to ask for test cases
>> for that now especially if you think you know what they already are.
>> Imagine we go forwards 2 months - if you dislike my patch when it
>> exists you will submit a test case showing the fault. Why not save us
>> all the trouble and describe that now? Test Driven Development.
> I already have, on several occasions now. But if you're absolutely
> insistent on my constructing the test case in terms of a real SQL
> statement, then that's what I'll do.
> Consider this MERGE statement, from your mock documentation:
> MERGE INTO wines w
> USING wine_stock_changes s
> ON s.winename = w.winename
> WHEN NOT MATCHED AND s.stock_delta > 0 THEN
>   INSERT VALUES(s.winename, s.stock_delta)
> WHEN MATCHED AND w.stock + s.stock_delta > 0 THEN
>   UPDATE SET stock = w.stock + s.stock_delta
> Suppose we remove the WHEN NOT MATCHED case, leaving us with:
> MERGE INTO wines w
> USING wine_stock_changes s
> ON s.winename = w.winename
> WHEN MATCHED AND w.stock + s.stock_delta > 0 THEN
>   UPDATE SET stock = w.stock + s.stock_delta
> We now have a MERGE that will not INSERT, but will continue to UPDATE
> and DELETE.


> (It's implied that your syntax cannot do this at all,
> because you propose use the ON CONFLICT infrastructure, but I think we
> have to imagine a world in which that restriction either never existed
> or has subsequently been lifted.)
> The problem here is: Iff the first statement uses ON CONFLICT
> infrastructure, doesn't the absence of WHEN NOT MATCHED imply
> different semantics for the remaining updates and deletes in the
> second version of the query?

Not according to the SQL Standard, no. I have no plans for such
differences to exist.

Spec says: If we hit HeapTupleSelfUpdated then we throw an ERROR.

> You've removed what seems like a neat
> adjunct to the MERGE, but it actually changes everything else too when
> using READ COMMITTED. Isn't that pretty surprising?

I think you're presuming things I haven't said and don't mean, so
we're both surprised.

> If you're not
> clear on what I mean, see my previous remarks on EPQ, live lock, and
> what a CONFLICT could be in READ COMMITTED mode. Concurrent activity
> at READ COMMITTED mode can be expected to significantly alter the
> outcome here.

And I still have questions about what exactly you mean, but at least
this post is going in the right direction and I'm encouraged. Thank

I think we need some way of expressing the problems clearly.

> That is rather frustrating.

Guess so.

>> You've said its possible another way. Show that assertion is actually
>> true. We're all listening, me especially, for the technical details.
> My proposal, if you want to call it that, has the merit of actually
> being how MERGE works in every other system. Both Robert and Stephen
> seem to be almost sold on what I suggest, so I think that I've
> probably already explained my position quite well.

The only info I have is

"a general purpose solution is one that more or
less works like an UPDATE FROM, with an outer join, whose ModifyTable
node is capable of insert, update, or delete (and accepts quals for
MATCHED and NOT matched cases, etc). You could still get duplicate
violations due to concurrent activity in READ COMMITTED mode".

Surely the whole point of this is to avoid duplicate violations due to
concurrent activity?

I'm not seeing how either design sketch rigorously avoids live locks,
but those are fairly unlikely and easy to detect and abort.

Thank you for a constructive email, we are on the way to somewhere good.

I have more to add, but wanted to get back to you soonish.

Simon Riggs                http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services

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