On 28 Jul 2003 at 9:11, Doug McNaught wrote:

> "Shridhar Daithankar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I was just wondering over it. This is for difference between vacuum full and 
> > vacuum analyze. Can somebody enlighten,
> > 
> > 1. IIRC vacuum recovers/reuses dead tuples generated from update but can not do 
> > so for delete? Why?

You did not read... C for what? Code?

> > 2. Vacuum full locks entire table, is it possible that it locks a
> > page at a time and deal with it. It will make vacuum full
> > non-blocking at the cost of letting it run for a longer time. Or is
> > it that the defragmentation algorithm needs more than a page?
> This I don't know, but I imagine that if what you suggest was easy to
> do it would have been done, and there would have been no need for two
> different kinds of VACUUM.

I went thr. the code, although vbery briefly but I can imagine that code being 
dependent upon tons of other things. Didn't understand everything so left it as 
it is..

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