On Sun, 27 Jul 2003, Tom Lane wrote:

> ivan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > declaration is setof record array_to_setof ( anyarray);
> > i trayed created it like "any" array_to_setof( anyarray) but i had problem
> > with select. i also trying write setof_to_array as aggregate, but i have
> > problem with returns type , because aggregate cat have 'anyarray' as
> > result ;(
> I think you want to declare it like this:
> create function array_to_setof(anyarray) returns setof anyelement as ...

        in this way i declared it : create function
array_to_setof(anyarray) returns setof record as ' ..
and its working because function  create new type of record (as type of
this anyarray) and then return each elem.

In way back from typles to array , i have problem , because i need to
create aggregate function .

I think the function to arrays like this and function from contrib
(array by Massimo Dal Zotto) should be in pg_catalog as std.

and function to checking exists. i wrote function like :
create function iv_exists (text, char) returns boolean,
this function as 1 arg bring relation name, 2 arg is a type of this
relation (is could be 'r' => table , 'c' => compose , 'f' function,
'C' => CASE , S s i etc like in pg_class.relkind, and i reserved 'M' to
module and 'K' to class. But my way is very simple , but i did not find
any function like this :/

> Joe Conway may already have written something like this --- look in his
> contrib modules.
>                       regards, tom lane
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