On Monday 04 August 2003 11:53, Joe Conway wrote:
> Andrew Dunstan wrote:
> > I know building RPMs can be a major pain, but ISTM that builds should be
> > published that don't break on vanilla installations. I'm prepared to
> > help with fixing this if necessary. For now I've upgraded to 7.3.3 (the
> > RPMs for this don't suffer the same problem on RH7.3).

> Sorry, that's my fault, not Lamar's. I built the 7.3 RPMs for him.
> Unfortunately I don't have a plain vanilla installation available -- I
> had forgotten that I upgraded ssl to something non-standard :(

> Perhaps if you have a vanilla 7.3 machine available, you could build new
> 7.3 RPMs from the source RPM and give them to Lamar for distribution?

Until vanilla-built RH7.3 RPMs are available, I've removed them from the FTP 
site.  I don't have an RH7.3 installation readily available for building.

Joe, the RHAS binaries won't have this problem, right?

To prevent this in the future, I'm going to state that anyone who wants to 
build RPMs for distribution needs to do so with a fully up to date vanilla 
installation of the target OS.  Since I do this myself for whatever RPMs I'm 
personally building, it was an easy assumption to make that everyone would do 
this.  My apologies.

A minor rant: I seem to vacillate between providing only one set of RPMs 
versus providing whatever sets people can build for me.  There is a definite 
tradeoff between having lots of sets available and having only good sets 
available.  While I do my best to ensure only good sets are available, I am 
not able to test every set that is built.  That is one reason I've not begun 
GPG-signing my RPMs -- if you want certified RPMs build them yourself.  It 
isn't that hard.  And when people are so impatient for RPMsets, then complain 
that the set didn't work -- well, it isn't the most encouraging thing in the 
world.  You want guaranteed RPMs that will install on your machine the day of 
the release?  You have three choices: build them yourself, pay someone to 
build them, or wait until the official set is available.  My rate for 
building RPMs under those conditions is $100 per hour. (and I have been paid 
that rate before.)  But the official set will only get uploaded once I've had 
the time to build it and test it.
Lamar Owen
Director of Information Technology
Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute

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