Rahul_Iyer kirjutas K, 13.08.2003 kell 08:23:
> hi...
> im on a project using Postgres. The project involves, at times, upto
> 5,000,000 inserts. I was checking the performance of Postgres for 5M inserts
> into a 2 column table (one col=integer, 2nd col=character). I used the
> Prepare... and execute method, so i basically had 5M execute statements and
> 1 prepare statement. Postgres took 144min for this... is there any way to
> improve this performance? if so, how? btw, im using it on a SPARC/Solaris
> 2.6.

If you are inserting into an empty table with primary key (or other
constraints), you can run ANALYZE on that table in 1-2 minutes after you
have started the INSERTs, so that constraint-checking logic will do the
right thing (use inedex for pk).

in my tests I achieved about 9000 inserts/sec by using multiple
inserting frontends and ~100 inserts per transaction (no indexes, 6
columns, 4 processors, 2GB memory, test clients running on same


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