Tom Lane wrote:
A Bind/Execute facility would need a pair of routines with signatures
very similar to PQexecParams/PQsendQueryParams --- they'd take a
prepared statement name instead of a query string, and they'd not need
an array of parameter type OIDs, but otherwise the same.  I couldn't
come up with very good names for them though.  Best idea so far is
PQexecPrepared/PQsendQueryPrepared, but maybe someone has a better one?

Those sound reasonable to me.

We could also think about providing an interface to do just Parse,
although this is inessential since you can set up a prepared statement
by PQexec'ing a PREPARE command.

Agreed -- that sounds like a nice-to-have for some future release, but not enough of an issue to warrant getting put into 7.4 at this point.


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