> On Friday 22 August 2003 13:59, Andrew Dunstan wrote:
>> Shridhar Daithankar wrote:
>> >BTW any comments on storing an entire database in single file? I
>> >don't
>> > trust any file system for performance and data integrity if I have
>> > single 100GB file. I would rather have multiple of them..
>> I don't see why not. Entire file systems are stored within a single
>> file sometimes. Examples: vmware, and IIRC UserMode Linux.
> Well, half the day that I have spent on interbase documnetation, I
> didn't see  any WAL type logs. If transactions directly go to database
> and entire  database is file, I seriously doubt about performance and
> recovery.

I am not saying I would do it that way, merely that I could see it
working. I agree about logs, though. I could see it working as 2 files,
one for the base db and one for the log.

> UML and VMware are emulators. You don't want to use them in production
> right?

I know companies using VMware extensively. It makes some sense in a multi-
platform environment. If it had lots of corruption problems people
wouldn't use it. (Personally I prefer to use VNC in such an environment).

(Interesting as this is it's probably OT for hackers, though).



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