On Fri, 22 Aug 2003, Tom Lane wrote:

> Stephan Szabo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > On 22 Aug 2003, Greg Stark wrote:
> >> If it's deemed a reasonable approach and nobody has any fatal flaws then I
> >> expect it would be useful to put in the contrib directory?
> > I'm not sure that ERROR if the locale cannot be put back is sufficient
> > (although that case should be rare or non-existant).
> A bigger risk is that something might elog(ERROR) while you have the
> "wrong" locale set, denying you the chance to put back the right one.
> I think this code is not nearly paranoid enough about how much it does
> while the wrong locale is set.

True, there are calls to palloc, elog, etc inside there, although the elog
could be removed.

> > Unless something else
> > in the system resets the locale, after your transaction rolls back, you're
> > in a dangerous state.  I'd think FATAL would be better.
> I'd go so far as to make it a critical section --- that ensures that any
> ERROR will be turned to FATAL, even if it's in a subroutine you call.

I didn't know we could do that, could be handy, although the comments
imply that it turns into PANIC which would force a complete restart.  Then
again, it's better than a corrupted database.

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