Andreas Pflug <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Why not regard anything between "AS" and LANGUAGE as source?

That seems quite impractical, considering that the function body may be
in a language that has little in common with SQL even at the lexical
level.  The SQL parser couldn't even tell what was a comment or quoted
string with any reliability.

> This would 
> prevent the usage of LANGUAGE as a keyword inside the function 
> definition, but I can't think of any senseful other use anyway.

Would you be unhappy if "language" appearing in what you think is a
comment in the function body caused a failure?  How about "language"
in what you think is a quoted literal string?

Another problem is that the CREATE FUNCTION syntax doesn't insist on any
particular ordering of the attributes; there's nothing saying that
LANGUAGE must be the first thing after the AS clause.

                        regards, tom lane

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