So far as I'm aware Joerg, we didn't have enough time to get all the Win32
stuff done for 7.4, and it was felt (rightly so) that it wasn't worth
holding off on 7.4 to get it in.

At the moment, the main developers are doing nothing but fixing bugs in 7.4
as we are now in feature freeze.

Once 7.4 final has been released, work will continue on Win32, and I see no
reason (since there have been many offers of help) why it wouldn't be done
for 7.5.
> So, I'd just like to ask the people involved to give a small summary on
> on-going(?) efforts, and possibly an open-points list, and even better,
> hints how to get involved myself(!).
> Questions would be:
> - does it compile?
> - on which compiler?
> - which branch in CVS to use?
> - what are the most needed open points?
> - is anyone actively working on those?
> ... you get the idea.

I have no idea of the answers to these questions!  Bruce is your man for


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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