-On [20030905 17:22], Jeroen Ruigrok/asmodai ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>Well, on Itanium2 on FreeBSD 5.1 it compiles.  I just need to get the
>semaphores to a higher value in order to actually do an initdb.


did 7.4 raise the bar on SysV IPC?  On my other two boxes I haven't
tweaked SysV IPC at all (semmni is at 10) and I get initdb.

On this Itanium box when I want to initdb I get:

creating template1 database in /p/scratch/asmodai/postgresql-7.4beta2/src/test/r
egress/./tmp_check/data/base/1... FATAL:  could not create semaphores: No space 
left on device
DETAIL:  Failed syscall was semget(4, 17, 03600).
HINT:  This error does *not* mean that you have run out of disk space.
It occurs when either the system limit for the maximum number of semaphore sets 
(SEMMNI), or the system wide maximum number of semaphores (SEMMNS), would be exc
eeded.  You need to raise the respective kernel parameter.  Alternatively, reduc
e PostgreSQL's consumption of semaphores by reducing its max_connections paramet
er (currently 100).

Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven <asmodai(at)wxs.nl> / asmodai
PGP fingerprint: 2D92 980E 45FE 2C28 9DB7  9D88 97E6 839B 2EAC 625B
http://www.tendra.org/   | http://www.in-nomine.org/~asmodai/diary/
He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how...

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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