On Thu, Sep 04, 2003 at 11:21:05AM -0700, Jenny - wrote:

> >I think the locks would actually by represented by PROCLOCK structures.
> >The LOCK structures are for lockable objects, not for actual locks.
> Well,from what i understand, PROCLOCK stores the TransactionID and the LOCK
> its holding lock on ,so how would PROCLOCK be holding the 'actual' lock as
> apposed to the lockable objects?

Huh... look at http://developer.postgresql.org/pdf/internalpics.pdf pages 61 and 63.
Maybe it's clearer than whatever I can say.  Note that "HOLDER" has been renamed

Anyway, I think the LOCK structure represents something that can be locked.
The PROCLOCK struct represents that some process is holding a lock on said
object.  That may be the reason why you are seeing that a lock is held by more
than one process at the same time (while in fact some of them are probably
_waiting_ for the lock).

Alvaro Herrera (<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)
"I dream about dreams about dreams", sang the nightingale
under the pale moon (Sandman)

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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